Friends of Mtshabezi Hospital


Friends of Mtshabezi Hospital is a UK registered charitable organisation run by a group of internationally based trustees from the Mtshabezi Community. We exist for the public benefit of its members and our aim in the relief of sickness and preservation of the health of all the patients of Mtshabezi Hospital in the Gwanda District of Zimbabwe by providing or assisting in the provision of equipment, facilities and services not normally provided by the statutory authorities and which are ancillary to those provided by the doctors.


We strongly believe that good health is a basic human right as well as that everyone has the right to enjoy dignified health care no matter what part of the world they live in or how poor they are. Basic health care should not have to depend on affordability. We welcome anyone who shares our goal and interests would like to join us in this cause.


 Please join our community worldwide as we come together to support this district hospital which has been in existence since the fifties. The hospital buildings and its amenities reflect the different storms that they have weathered over time and need some tender loving care in different ways. The hospital serves a wide geographical area and diverse community in nearby villages. Dependent on the hospital also is a primary school with about 675 pupils, a secondary boarding school with about 1000 pupils and a Bible Institution that provides various agricultural endeavors. The hospital is located some long distances between towns in Matabeleland South part of Zimbabwe and has a busy commuter population and workers that would seek medical assistance at this hospital.


We would therefore appreciate you joining the Mtshabezi local community and diaspora in giving back and doing all we can to provide basic dignified care, by donating to this cause.


The general economic decline found in many countries is not exclusive to the local community, compounded by the covid pandemic and untimely rain falls in the area, all have made life difficult for local people living in the area, hence our assistance would make a great difference in alleviating suffering and relieving sickness. The local community often report shortages in medication for long term conditions, injuries, and other illnesses as well as the lack consistent medical doctor presence. The hospital energy services, infrastructure maintenance are also a big demand to its limited resources, hence help is needed. All the money raised through will go towards the many improvements that need to be done at the hospital and we cannot mention all of them here. With fluctuating prizes in the country, we cannot give definitive costs of projects, however we will keep you updated on each and every progress of a project as we come back for more funding for the next project. A list of projects that need to done is available on request. We would like to thank you in advance for your help in helping us in this endeavour and ensuring this rural community receives health you would like to have if you were part of the community.